She has modeled for Popteen and Ank Rouge and is known for her hime kaji style and cute droopy eyed makeup looks! 

Himena is an actual princess!
She models for Princess Melody, La Pafait, and MARS!

How could you not love gyaru twins?! They have modeled for Ageha, various circle lens brands, and wig brands. They are so diverse with their style and take the best purikura.

She is mainly known for modeling in Ranzuki, and had the most colorful and cute coords! She wore cocolulu a lot and rocked shorter hair, which I love! 

My queen!! She is the gal that got me into gyaru. I'm sure if you know anything about gyaru, you know of Tsubasa Masuwaka
She has her own brand of makeup and lashes, and has modeled for popteen, and had a music career under the name Milky Bunny. 
Thanks for reading! Who are your inspirations? Comment below! 
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