
This eye liner is magical... seriously. It lasts all day, and even when I rub my eyes or workout it stays on, and doesn't smudge one bit! This is the best eye liner I have ever tried, and has a very precise applicator that is easy to use and the product dries quickly.

Wet n Wild Silk Finish Lipstick "Will You Be With Me?"
You can never go wrong with Wet n Wild lipsticks! Priced at only $1 but amazing quality and color choices!

Maybelline Lash Sensational Full Fan Effect Mascara
I have heard a lot of hype about this mascara, and for good reason. Maybelline has the best affordable mascara, and this one is probably their best yet. I love wearing this with and without lashes on.

Dolly Wink Lashes #13: Babygirl
Okay, i'll admit that the only reason I purchased these was because of the name...

Barbie Bubble Grey Lenses
How could I not include these?! hehe, these have been my go to circle lenses this month, and since I wrote a full review of these, I won't ramble too much about these. If you want to know more, check out my post here!
This was a birthday gift, since my birthday was this month and I really enjoy this scent. Actually, my whole family loves this scent. My mom and sister have also been obsessed with these products!

My fellow gyaru out there know how important hair sprays and gels are to keep the extravagant and awesome gal hairstyles looking great all day. This product is really interesting, since I had never used a gel you could pump out like a spray. This method of application is genius, since it prevents you from applying too much and weighing down your hair.

This month I have really admired boho gyaru, and the more bohemian era of Liz Lisa.

Sailor Moon Drops
This is a puzzle game that is available for both Android and IOS, and is so cute and addictive! I am not really into puzzle games like Candy Crush but if it's Sailor Moon themed, then I automatically love it!
Well that's all for now! I hope you enjoyed reading, thanks for visiting my blog! My next post will definitely be gyaru related, it will be either a makeup or hair tutorial! So keep a look out for that.